Category Archives: advisory

Opera may be used as a vector for a font issue in the underlying operating system – Opera Security Advisories

Affected versions This vulnerability may be targeted through Opera for Windows. Severity Extremely Severe Description A flaw in the font handling on the Windows operating system has been fixed by Microsoft. On unpatched systems, Web fonts may be used to exploit this issue through Opera. Opera’s response For complete protection, users should apply the patch…

Multiple asynchronous document modifications can be used to execute arbitrary code – Opera Security Advisories

Affected versions This vulnerability affects Opera for Windows and Mac. Severity Extremely Severe Description Multiple asynchronous calls to a script that modifies the document contents can cause Opera to reference an uninitialized value, which may lead to a crash. To inject code, additional techniques will have to be employed. Opera’s Response Opera Software has released…

XSLT can be used to retrieve random contents of unrelated documents – Opera Security Advisories

Affected versions This vulnerability affects Opera 10.50. Severity Highly severe Description XSLT is normally subject to strict controls, preventing documents from separate Web sites from reading the contents of other sites. Certain XSLT constructs can cause Opera to retrieve the wrong contents for the resulting document. These contents will appear randomly from the cached versions…

HTTP Content-Length header can be used to execute arbitrary code – Opera Security Advisories

Affected versions This vulnerability affects Opera for Microsoft Windows. Severity Highly Severe Description Large values in the HTTP Content-Length header can cause Opera to crash. Certain specific values can cause a memory corruption, which in some cases can allow arbitrary code to be injected and executed. In most cases Opera will just crash. To inject…

Cross-domain data theft with CSS load – Opera Security Advisories

Summary CSS can be loaded cross-domain, and in some cases it is be possible to read the data pointed to, leading to the possibility of cross-domain data theft. Severity Moderate Opera’s response Opera Software has released Opera 10.10, where this issue has been fixed. Credits Thanks to Chris Evans from the Google Security Team for…

Error messages can leak onto unrelated sites – Opera Security Advisories

Description Scripting error messages are normally available only to the page that caused the error. In some cases, the error messages could be passed to other sites as the contents of unrelated variables, and may contain sensitive information. If those sites write the content into the page markup, this could allow cross-site scripting, using code…